Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Mandy's Wedding

I've been very busy the past few weeks with two weddings back to back. While I've promised to not share images from the first wedding until they arrive back from their honeymoon, I did want to post this image of Ricardo and Mandy and Hank and I. I cannot express what an honor it is to be asked to photograph another photographer's wedding. It's also a lot of pressure because you know how much photographer's value images.

Mandy and Ricardo's wedding was fabulous. It was so beautiful and sweet. Every detail was just gorgeous. This is kinda silly, but when Mandy and Ricardo turned around to walk back down the aisle after being announced man and wife, I just about choked up. They gave the most loving look to each other and I just saw so much love and felt so much happiness for Mandy and Ricardo. Luckily it didn't get in the way of any images.

Here's the photo and check back for more soon!


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