Tuesday, January 8, 2008

DWF Conference 2008

I just finished up attending the DWF (Digital Wedding Forum) Convention at the Grand Hyatt in Tampa. All I can say is WOW. I envisioned that I would learn while at the convention but not nearly as much as I actually did. There's soo much to describe. Wayy more than there's space available. Mostly, I learned about business and some of the things I need to do to improve my business. It's so exciting because I have no business background and am learning so much.

The speakers were all inspirational. Some of my favorite speakers were Tony Hewitt, Lena Hyde, Laura Novak, Marcus Bell, Denis Reggie, Jerry Ghionis, Yervant, Jen and Steve Bebb, Greg Gibson, Cliff Mautner, and
Jeff and Julia Woods, and Jessica Claire. I was so impressed with Jessica and her bags that I even bought one!

Basically everybody I saw speak was amazing! I'm so excited to put into practice the pointers I learned. It's so exciting!!!

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