Monday, January 28, 2008

Richard Shindell!!!

So, I have some fun announcements regarding some cool weddings I'll be shooting later this year and another big business surprise but I'm going to wait until the weekend to share my great news.

I also wanted to share my great plans this weekend. For Christmas, I was surprised with tickets to see one of my favorite singers Richard Shindell. I first saw Richard in concert when he opened for Joan Baez a few years ago at the Tampa Theatre. First of all, he's such a great songwriter. I stole these words of WMNF's website:

“Shindell is a master builder of songs, yet always leading listeners toward the emotional essence of the moment or character he is evoking. As with all master craftsmen, knowing what to leave out is as important to him as what he puts in. Shindell has uncanny sense of the theater of a song, building his ballads sparely and subtly, set to sweeping graceful melodies.” — The Boston Globe

“A tour-de-force of brilliantly crafted songs, passionately delivered songs that consistently create three-dimensional vis and emotional images which move through the listener’s mind’s eye.” — Stereo Review

“Shindell is a master of subtle narrative.” — The Wall Street Journal

Here's the WMNF announcement which includes an embedded video of him singing "Are You Happy Now?"

I mean, how can I not love the music of a man who sings about dreaming of driving a Kenworth Rig around the country? Can you tell I'm excited?

Oh yeah, and I just realized that he looks just like my friend Janel's husband, Ray.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is he single? Grrroowwwwlll !!!