Sunday, February 24, 2008

Mandy's Wedding

In just a few short weeks Hank and I will be travelling to Nashville, Tennessee to photograph the wedding of Mandy and Ricardo. I first met Mandy when I was in college and have stayed close to her ever since. To say Mandy is a kind-hearted person is an understatement. She's one of my most favorite friends in the world. Ricardo is a gem himself. He's the perfect match for Mandy and loves her dearly. I have to give some props too to Ricardo's new company, Level 60 Consulting. Mandy and Ricardo will be wed at CJ's Off the Square in a sweet intimate wedding. I find it such an honor to have been asked to photograph their wedding and am looking forward to it!

Aren't they such a cute couple?

Mandy was a bridesmaid in my wedding...

Here's us in college. Ahh, the glory days :)

Here's us on an adventure in San Francisco. Oh gosh, my wardrobe...

Check back for images...


Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Oscars Are Here....

and my winner goes to....just kidding. I still can't decide. I finally saw my last installation (of the ones up for best picture anyway). Hank and I will be attending a fun party Sunday to celebrate. Anyway, I had to add pictures of all the movies up for the best picture. My favorites were There Will Be Blood and No Country For Old Men. Of course I picked the most violent films but darn, Daniel Day-Lewis sure plays a good bad guy. And Javier Bardem, now I'd never heard of him before, but I was sure impressed. My friend Lynn thought the violence should have been more implied than so grotesque, but I was just so caught up in it all.

So at the beginning of "There Will Be Blood" my friend Jim (aka Jimatthegym) turned to me and said, "Looks like he broke his left foot". I about lost it. So funny. Daniel Day-Lewis is such an amazing actor. He can play the most sympathetic characters and then the deepest evil people. Amazing!

Juno was adorable. Very Garden State-ish

George Clooney is the man. I love him in everything even if he's basically the same character in all. I swear it's not because he's from Kentucky :)

Atonement was a great period piece. I certainly need to read the book now!


Sunday, February 17, 2008

Mia and JT's Wedding

I recently had the opportunity to photograph a lovely wedding with my friend Jenifer. Mia and JT met in college and were married at the Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church in Dunedin. It was a nice ceremony with several personal touches. Congratulations Mia and JT!

I loved this moment. It was so quiet and touching.

So cute!

JT was kinda nervous before. It was so cute.

Mia looked so happy...

Weren't these dresses just so adorable?

The girls were having so much fun!

Mia was soo excited and beautiful...

I loved this touching moment.


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Beagles Unite!!!

Hail Snoopy! That's been the best headline I've seen today after Uno won best in show at the Westminster Kennel Club's annual show yesterday. This was my first time watching the show and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I absolutely loved the movie Best In Show and even laughed when Triumph The Insult Comic Dog visited the show.

These photos are courtesy of the AP(Seth Wenig)

I think this would be such a fun event to cover!

Here's some pictures of our own "Snoopy" mix, Kaya. Kaya is a mix between a beagle and a bassett and unfortunately, her bloodline is too royal to be accepted into the show. She's our one-of-a-kind pup who still attracts all kinds of attention on her walks.

Everybody always asks what kind of dog she is :)

Sent from my iPhone
I am so cool.


Sunday, February 10, 2008

Bern's Shoot

These are some images from this weekend's shoot at Bern's. I was commissioned to help out my friend David shoot for an Australian Wine Magazine. It was fabulous, while David worked on portraits, I wandered and found some cool details. I love Bern's and had a great time "behind the scenes". My hubby especially appreciated the food they sent me home with.

The ambiance at Bern's is sooo cool...

This is a portrait David was setting up. I snuck a quick portrait cause I liked the repititon so much.

Pretty meat, yum!

I dream of having a wine collection like this :)

Doesn't this look just delicious?


Thursday, February 7, 2008

I'm a dork!

Hank and I had a fabulous time at Richard Shindell. So fabulous that I insisted that we stay around and get a poster signed for me to hang up. I know, I know, I was acting very star struck, but I have already bought all of his records and I wanted the excuse to ask him if he's still selling a rare live album. Anyway, of course I didn't have a camera, so Hank shot this picture of me and Richard with his iphone. I don't think the image looks too bad. I might try to shoot my next wedding with it. Just kidding!


Monday, February 4, 2008


I am excited to announce that I was recently accepted into the Wedding Photojouralists Association. I had to apply and go through a review process to be able to get in. It was tougher than I expected but I guess this is why they are so highly respected. Take a look at their website and you can see why I fit in with this group :)
