Friday, March 20, 2009

An image from Barbra and Gino's wedding!

Wow, it took me a little longer to blog this photo. Reason being, with my new 5d Mark II, I didn't realize that the raw files are not supported in Photoshop. Well, I learned my lesson and I got it taken care of. Turns out it was just a little plug-in. Bleck. I'm so not computer savvy, and this is a good reminder :) 

Anyway, well here's an image from Barbra and Gino's beautiful wedding at The Rusty Pelican this past weekend. I had the ultra fabulous Joanna to help me out and I'm telling you, with Joanna along, a girl can't go wrong :) 

Barbra and Gino are still on their honeymoon in Hawaii. Can't wait to hear all about the trip. Ahh, Hawaii. Luckyyyyyyyyyyyyy them :)


I have a ton more photos to share but I need to get back to editing and toning so I'll just leave you with this beautiful image. Check back soon for more!


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