Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Mountain Workshop

The Mountain Workshops website is finally up. For those of you who have not heard me talk about the workshops, it's one of the best workshops out there. It's for photographers to learn about storytelling and photojournalism. I have been a volunteer at the workshops for the past 7 years and am a workshopper-for-life :) What makes the week so special is that so many award-winning photographers volunteer their time to help better the profession. This year I worked on the multimedia team and produced two projects for the final show and helped Tim Broekema with editing the show. Check out the Mountain Workshops website! Especially fun is the Hollywood Squares-type video of many of the top photojournalists talking about the future of photojournalism.

1 comment:

joshua said...

This is one of the best blogs boob I've ever visited with birdy baby too!